IKEv2 – Windows 10

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The first step is to import the root certificate of the HamCloud VPN server:

  • Download the root certificate here and save it to the desktop.
  • Double click the certificate “hamcloud-vpn-root-ca.cer” on the desktop.
  • Click on “Install Certificate”.
  • Select “Local Machine” and click on “Next”.
  • Select “Place all certificates to the following store” and click “Browse”.
  • Select “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” and click “OK”.
  • Click on “Next.”
  • Click on “Finish.”
  • Click on “OK” and close the certificate with “OK”.

The second step is to create a new VPN connection using Powershell:

  • Click the Windows Start icon, type “powershell” and then launch the Windows PowerShell app.
  • Enter the following commands (preferably using copy & paste [control + v]) and execute with Enter:
Add-VPNConnection -Name "HamCloud VPN" -ServerAddress "vpn.hc.r1.ampr.org" -TunnelType "Ikev2" -RememberCredential -SplitTunneling -EncryptionLevel Maximum -Force

Add-VpnConnectionRoute -ConnectionName "HamCloud VPN" -DestinationPrefix ""
  • Close the window.

The third step is to adjust the VPN connection so that only packets to the HAMNET use the VPN connection:

  • Click the Windows Start icon, type “ncpa.cpl” and then open the Control Panel.
  • Right click on the “HamCloud VPN” connection.
  • Select “Properties.”
  • Select the “Networking” tab, select the “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” item and click “Properties”.
  • Click on “Advanced”.
  • Select “Disable class based route addition” and click “OK”.
  • Click “OK” another 2x and then close the “Network Connections” control panel again.

The last step is to save the username and password for the VPN connection:

  • Click the Windows Start icon, enter “vpn” and then open “VPN settings” under the settings:
  • Click on the connection “HamCloud VPN” and click on “Advanced options”.
  • Customize the connection properties by clicking on “Edit”.
  • Enter the username and password, then click “Save”.
  • Close the window in the upper right corner by clicking on “X”.

Now the VPN connection can be used:

  • Click on the network icon in the Windows taskbar.
  • Click on the connection “HamCloud VPN” and click on “Connect”.